Korean through English Book 1 with mp3 download (new edition)


Popular for self-study or with classroom instruction. Korean through English Book 1  is the revised version of its very popular predecessor.  Updates were made by Sang-Oak Lee, Seungmie Lee and Youngmee Chung at the Language Education Institute of Seoul National University. It was created under the following general guidelines:

a) The content must be easy.
b) It must reflect the phonological and grammatical characteristics of Korean.
c) It must introduce aspects of Korean culture in a natural and unaffected fashion.
d) It must be accessible for self-study students who may not have access to the aid of teachers and a classroom environment.

Download this zip file for the mp3 files:



Seoul National University

Sang-Oak Lee
Professor Emeritus in Korean Linguistics
Seoul National University (SNU)

1973-1978 M.A., Ph.D. in General Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana and a Research Fellow in the Harvard-Yenching Institute
1980-1981 Visiting Professor of Asian Studies, Australian National University
1985-1986 Humboldt Research Fellow, Munich University
1986-1989 Director of SNU-UCLA Language and Culture Training Project in Korea
1990-1994 Director of SNU-UCLA and SNU Griffith (Australia) Telelink Program
1994-1997 Visiting Professor of Asian Studies, University of Sydney 2006-2008 Director of Korean Language Research Institute, Seoul National University
2008-2009 Director of America Center in LA, Seoul National University

Seungmie Lee
Lecturer at Language Education Institute
Seoul National University (SNU)

1985-1993 B.A., M.A. in Linguistics, Seoul National University
1993-1994 Visiting Scholar at Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, Connecticut
1995- Lecturer at Language Education Institute, Seoul National University


184 pp.
LC# 93-79442
Softcover 19 x 26 cm
ISBN-13: 9781565913158
ISBN-10: 1565913159

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