Insights from the Underside

An Intergenerational Conversation of Ministers


Insights from the Underside: An Intergenerational Conversation of Ministers is an opportunity to listen in on the thoughtful and thought-provoking conversations between some of today’s leading young adult ministers and veteran ministers. Topics include family, church, context, marriage, money, prayer and more. We’ve included the results of the Top 10 things I wished I learned at seminary, but didn’t questionnaire from young adult pastors who attended the 7% Young Adult Clergy Conferences in 2003 (New Orleans, LA) and 2005 (San Francisco, CA). The comments will no doubt cause you to laugh and smile as they resonate deeply with you. We hope you enjoy a sense of camaraderie. The contributors to this book are ministers from the PC(USA) but we believe it will benefit many. Across denominations, we hope it finds its way into the hands and hearts of those who love and serve the church, including ministers, those who work with youth and young adults, committees on preparation for ministry, church officers, seminary presidents and trustees, governing body officials, teachers, and Christian educators.

Young Adult Ministers: Heidi Worthen Gamble, Bill Golderer, Jud Hendrix, Hope Lee, Sung Lee, Neal Presa, Bruce Reyes-Chow, David Shinn, Liz Kaznak, Mienda Uriarte (epilogue)

Veteran Ministers: M. Craig Barnes, John Galloway, Thomas Gillespie, Deborah van deusen Hunsinger, Laura Mendenhall, Lonnie Oliver, Steve Yamaguchi


Neal D. Presa

Neal D. Presa is pastor of Middlesex Presbyterian Church, Middlesex, NJ and a PhD candidate in liturgical studies at Drew University. He is also a Henry Luce Foundation Graduate Fellow with the Center for Christianities in Global Context at Drew University. Neal represents the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as the Convenor/Chair of the Caribbean and North American Area Council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), and on the WARC Executive Committee. He has served at every level of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) including the Committee on Theological Education, Vice Chair of the General Assembly Council, the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly, Presbytery Council, and the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. He received his BA from University of California (Davis), graduate studies at Westminister Theological Seminary in CA, MDiv from San Francisco Theological Seminary and a ThM from Princeton Theological Seminary. He has written articles in Call to Worship, Homily Service journal, The Presbyterian Outlook, These Days, and The Present Word.

184 pp.
LC# 2007943229
Softcover 15 x 23 cm
ISBN-13: 9781565913578
ISBN-10: 1565913574