Let’s Color Korea: Everyday Life In Traditional



Let’s Color Korea: Everyday Life In Traditional is a bilingual coloring book that portrays some of the customs stemming from Korea’s rich past. Children everywhere will enjoy catching a glimpse of the traditional lifestyle and beautiful customs of the Korean people.


B.J. Jones

B.J. Jones earned his B.A. from Seoul National University in Korea, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Iowa State University in the United States. He taught as a teacher in the TAMA elementary school in the U.S.A., a professor at Ewha Women’s University and is currently the principal of Ewha Elementary School in Seoul, Korea. He has authored several dictionaries including “English-Korean Practical Conversation Dictionary,” “Korean Phrase Book for Travelers,” “Mini Dictionary of English-Korean, Korean-English: Romanized,” and “Standard English-Korean & Korean-English Dictionary for Foreigners: Romanized, (Comb. vol.).”

Gi-eun Lee

26 pp.
Softcover 26 x 30 cm
ISBN-13: 9780930878986
ISBN-10: 0930878981

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